Expertise in Cloud, Networking & DevOps

Kali Linux tools

The Complete Kali Linux Tools Guide: A Deep Dive into Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking πŸ”₯

Kali Linux is the go-to OS for ethical hackers, penetration testers, and cybersecurity professionals. With hundreds of pre-installed tools, it offers everything needed for security assessments, from reconnaissance and vulnerability analysis to password attacks and post-exploitation. But with so many tools available, it can be overwhelming to know which ones

By CloudNetOps
Expertise in Cloud, Networking & DevOps

linux filesystem hierarchy, root directory structure, linux directory structure, filesystem standards (FHS), understanding /etc directory, /usr directory explained, /var directory functions

Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Explained: A Deep Dive into the Root Directory (/)

If you've ever peeked into the root (/) directory of a Linux system, you might have found yourself staring at a bunch of cryptic folders: /bin, /usr, /var, /etcβ€”what do they all mean? πŸ€” Understanding the Linux filesystem hierarchy is essential for both system administrators and everyday Linux users.

By CloudNetOps


CloudNetOps is a leading resource for IT professionals, DevOps engineers, and system administrators seeking expertise in Linux, Kubernetes, DevOps automation, SD-WAN, and Datacenter networking.
